Our Projects
We reduce emissions harmful to the environment and communities in areas of critical infrastructure like container ships and freight rail, while requiring no retrofit.
As global awareness of environmental impact grows, the maritime industry faces increasing pressure to reduce harmful emissions. 4G Management, Inc. (4G) specializes in advanced emission control technologies designed to mitigate pollutants emitted by ships while in port.
Our solutions not only meet but exceed international standards, ensuring cleaner air and healthier environment for our communities surrounding Ports of Long Beach, Los Angeles and Bay area.
Our primary goal is to safely implement our emission control technology at these California ports to safely mitigate harmful emissions.
Reduce harmful emissions such as sulfur oxides (SOx) nitrogen oxides (NOx) particulate matter (PM) and reactive organic gases (ROG’s) and other GHG forming pollutants.
Comply with local, state and federal regulations, exceeding local emission standards.
Improve air quality and public health in the vicinity of San Pedro Bay Complex, Bay Area, and other California ports.
Oakland Project
Renewable Natural Gas Powered MECCS Barge
4G Management partnered with the Port of Oakland to produce the first emissions capture and control barge that is exclusively powered by renewable natural gas with a negative CARB certified CI score. Our RNG-powered MECCS systems, like previous generations, require no retrofits and changes from the ship or shore-side infrastructure. This design also allows us to easily and linearly scale to the higher SCFM requirements for tankers, Ro-Ros, and cruise ships.
4G Management is working quickly to make additional barges available in all California ports.
Maritime Emissions Capture & Control System
CARB Approved
Cost Effective
Proven technology
No shore side infrastructure
No shipboard modifications
Offers flexibility to shipping industry
Services Auxiliary Engines and Boilers
Services ships at anchor
Operates with a negative CARB Carbon Index score
Auxiliary engines and boilers of ocean-going vessels (OGVs) are used at ports for power, lighting, cargo refrigeration, ventilation, communication, and other on‐board equipment while berthed. They are a significant source of Particulate Matter (PM), NOx and ROG emissions at ports. The Maritime Emissions Capture & Control System (MECCS) treats the auxiliary exhaust gases to remove NOX, ROG, and PM. MECCS consists of an Exhaust Capture System (ECS) and an Emission Treatment System (ETS). The current MECCS systems are designed to operate on renewable natural gas, though a pilot project for a green hydrogen powered system is already in the early design phase in the San Pedro Bay Complex.
The Emissions Treatment System (ETS) consists of a particulate filter system using active Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF’s) to reduce PM, a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system to reduce NOX, and Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOC) for ROG gases. Testing conducted on large ocean-going vessels resulted in a reduction of over 95% of the PM, NOX, ROGs in the exhaust gasses of the vessels.
Our Emissions Capture System (ECS) is an unique capture system proven to attach safely to an exhaust stack of a vessel. A soft connector is utilized for liquid bulk or tanker vessels as most are fitted with a screen or spark arrestor. This is proven effective in capturing emissions at the source.
MECCS is a barge-based system. The newest design incorporates a spud barge for additional operational flexibility and safety especially on liquid bulk vessels. The exhaust is captured using stainless steel ducting actuated by a Putzmeister placement boom mounted on top of a Putzmeister tower. The end of the connection uses high temperature flexible ducting to connect to the generator and/or auxiliary boiler. The exhaust on the vessel moves through the treatment system and re-enters the atmosphere cleaner than the ambient air.
Adaptability: Suitable for a wide range of ship sizes and engine types.
Reliability: Robust and safe design for continuous operation without any significant downtime.
Safety: 4G Management, Inc. team has and will continue to conduct a comprehensive safety assessment for each vessel category and system design.
To ensure we have considered and addressed all safety concerns, we have instilled a mitigation plan to address even the smallest details and have engaged with several of the classification society member groups to implement a detailed risk assessment with respect to tanker and liquid bulk operations. We have done similar assessments with Container and Ro-Ro vessels. Each item discovered and assessed in risk assessment must be fully described and a mitigation plan in effect for the smallest details.
Customization: 4G understands that the liquid bulk or tanker application is the most comprehensive and challenging of all vessel classes. This application presents a unique set of challenges with respect to safety, emission capture efficiency (Boilers) application while providing uninterrupted services.
Installation: Implement our technology at strategic locations within the clients’ marine facilities to maximize coverage, ensure safety and compliance without interruption of client’s operation.
Testing and Calibration: 4G Management team, in conjunction with clients’ operations and safety team, will meet extensively to conduct testing in coordination with customers vessels or charter vessels. 4G's testing partner is UC Riverside, a CE-CERT program known for their expert analysis of emission programs. Rigorous testing is conducted per our CARB approved test plan to ensure optimal performance and compliance.
Rails Emissions Capture & Control System
The RECCS, Rail Emissions Capture & Control System, is a semi-mobile emissions control system that has been designed to sit above a railyard. It reduces 95+% of NOx, PM, ROGS, and optionally SOx. The system can treat multiple parallel locomotives and reduces 70-80% of engine noise when attached. Estimates put a single RECCS system as capable of an average yearly reduction of 135 tons of NOx, 8.9 tons of SOx, 3.2 tons of PM per system. This system is designed for both freight and passenger trains at rest, with attachment automated to attach and begin control within minutes of train coming to rest. There are no required modifications of locomotives required.
Carbon Hawk
UAV Ambient Monitoring Program
4G has partnered with UC Riverside CE-CERT to implement the first of its kind 24-month aerial sampling and surveillance program using UAV’s and sophisticated air monitoring technology.
4G Management Inc is using aerial UAVs to monitor emissions, odor control, emergency response, for municipalities, landfills, ports, truck, rail operations, pipeline and critical infrastructure inspection.
Our vision is to introduce a cost-effective measuring tool in order for our customers to meet and surpass the stringent emission regulations.